Hospital Chaplaincy


(for Duty Chaplain 6166 8308)
Mr Paul Hueston                              Chaplaincy Coordinator
Mobile: 0400 422 009

Youth & Children’s Chaplain
Katrina Timms
Mobile: 0425 240 266

Emergency Department Chaplain
Marion Reynolds

Mental Health Chaplain
Sharyn Hill


(for Duty Chaplain 6777 6777)
Chaplaincy Coordinator


(for Duty Chaplain (03) 6493 6000)

Kristy Crouch                                     Chaplaincy Coordinator
Tel: (03) 6493 6000                           Mobile: 0403957106


Shirley Gillam                                      Chaplaincy Coordinator
Tel: (03) 64785500                             Mobile: 0400253468


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Prison Chaplaincy


Office Phone: (03) 61657 262


Mr Daniel Meehan Chaplaincy Coordinator
Email:  Mobile: 0400 062 740

Mr Cameron Brett
Email:  Mobile: 0419 376 848


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Disaster Relief

Tasmanian Disaster Fund

Following the disastrous bush fires in early 2013, AHW established a permanent Anglican Tasmanian Disaster Fund, to enable the Diocese to respond promptly to future catastrophic events. In the aftermath of the fires, it took some days to set up a mechanism to receive the generous donations which came in for relief and recovery efforts. Now the Fund is ready to go at a moment’s notice in response to any future disaster event in Tasmania. The Fund has assited the church to respond to major floods and fires around the State, providing relief to those in towns and rural areas who were severely affected. Donations to the Fund may be made at any time. Parishes affected by disasters may discuss funding with AHW’s Executive Officer.

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Anglican Health & Welfare (AHW) plays a major role in the Diocese of Tasmania. AHW is an incorporated public company, fully owned by the Diocese and founded in 1985. It manages a number of funds for the church, the bulk of which originated with the sale of St Johns Hospital.

The primary role of the AH&W Board is the wise investment of the funds and the distribution of the income from these funds to parishes and other church bodies, aimed at enhancing the capacity of the church to respond to need and distress in the Tasmanian community.

All grants must be used for projects which complement at least one of AH&W’s objects, which relate as the name implies to the fields of health and welfare, reflecting the original source of the funds from the sale of two Anglican hospitals. Broadly the objectives cover activities designed to assist people in need, including those in distressed circumstances, the sick and dying, and those living with mental illness.

Support AHW

If you were seriously ill in hospital, if a family member was in prison, or living in an aged care facility, you would like to think a Chaplain is available to offer care at a vulnerable point in life.

As part of the Anglican Church in Tasmania, Anglican Health & Welfare provides and supports Chaplains in hospitals, aged care and the Prison Service. Even if you never have to call on a Chaplain, if you value their caring ministry, you may like to offer financial support to sustain their work.

Anglican Health & Welfare also offers help to Tasmanians in real need through a variety of local activities such as a mental health program for high school students, grants to parishes to help people in real need, or employment of two Pastoral Workers and a Youth Worker for those devastated by the January 2013 bush fires.

You can give in these ways:

Send a cheque payable to AHW to GPO Box 748 Hobart 7001 (enclose your name and address for a tax-deductible receipt)

Direct debit to AHW at BSB 067 000, Account No. 10720017, quoting AHW in the reference field (Call us on 03 6220 2020 to advise us)

Credit card donations through

If you would like information on making a bequest to AHW, please write to GPO Box 748 Hobart 7001 or call 03 6220 2020.


AHW welcomes bequests for vital health and welfare ministries. The appropriate wording to include in your will is:

I give to Anglican Health & Welfare Ltd (ABN 47 009 554 358) GPO Box 748 Hobart Tasmania 7001, [insert details of the sum of money, percentage of residuary estate, or description of property or asset you intend to give] to be used for the support of health and welfare work in accordance with the directions of the Board of Anglican Health & Welfare Ltd. and the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer of the Board shall be a complete discharge to my executors.


Mr James Oakley

GPO Box 748 Hobart 7001
Tel: 03 6220 2019